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Single User

Cost before discount ($30 × 12 months)
Annual discount
Total after free trial
Today's Total
Total after free trial
Today's Total

One user per account. These plans are billed monthly or yearly.

Office Accounts

Total after free trial
Today's Total
Total after free trial
Today's Total
Total after free trial
Today's Total

Office accounts are single accounts that can be accessed by multiple users. You will have one shared login for this account.

More Options

If you’re not sure what you need, or you’re looking for something custom – please give us a call or send us an email at and we can talk through the options together. We’ll figure it out!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be charged during my free trial?

No, you will not be charged during your free trial, which begins today and ends on September 25, 2024. You can cancel anytime before September 26, 2024 to avoid being charged.

How can I cancel during my free trial?

We make it easy for you to cancel online. Just look for the link in the email sent upon subscribing, or contact us at:

I have multiple people in my company, which account type is best?

Please contact us at so we can help you find the best solution and ensure your billing is set up properly.